Thursday, April 2, 2015

True Color and Career Research

My true color is gold. According to the color gold I follow the rules regulations. It is easy and natural for me to respect authority. I may have a strong sense of right, and wrong and may feel useful. I also enjoy being a good citizen, and love to be helpful with anything or anybody. I am helpful when it comes to anything in need. I am also generally punctual and organized. Plus, following procedures and instructions seem to be a natural affinity for me. Organizing routines with clear directions and rules provides me with environments within which I grow. There were many interesting occupations that I had saw and were related to my personality. Even though I did not see the occupation I want to major in, I saw an occupation that interested me which was a librarian. A librarian helps people find information and do research for personal and professional use. They are very meticulous whether it is about finding a book, trying to research a certain topic online, or tutoring students with any help they need. They can either work in a public library, school library, or in medical libraries. I have been a doing a lot of research about librarians on what they do and the education they have. The counselor who helped me was very helpful and lucid about all the information he told me. He was very nice and was in no rush. He said a librarian was a very interesting career. He gave me a website and showed me how to log on to it about librarians. He also showed how to work the website me and also told me the classes librarians would have to take. To become a librarian, they would have to get a master’s degree in library science. Even though becoming a librarian is not germane to what I want to major in, it still seems like a very interesting career. I remember when I was younger, I would always go to the public library during the summer and rent a book or two and a librarian would always help me find a book that she thought would seem interesting to me. I have learned a lot doing a lot of research and the counselor helping me with what classes are needed to become a librarian. My next task is to find a school librarian and interview her or him.


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