Monday, April 27, 2015

My True Color and Major

Image result for dental hygieneAfter taking The True Color Test on the Eureka website, I found out that my true color is blue. Blue describes the type of personality I have. According to the results, I am a caring, compassionate, and enthusiastic person. I am truly that person and I am one who tends to help out the community or give back to the community. The results from the test gave me a couple of majors to choose from and I chose to look at the major I am currently focused on. The major I am currently focused on is Dental Hygiene. I made a visit to the counselor Chris Jeffries after making an appointment online. She gave me advice on the classes I should be taking and gave me feedback on what dental hygiene was about and the school I can attend since El Camino does not have the Dental Hygiene program. During the meeting with the counselor I not only got help learning about Dental hygiene and my prerequisites, I also got to update my educational plan and got a better understanding of how much time I will be attending El Camino and when I will transfer out. Something that amazed me about this counselor was that she was quick but covered every detail and answered every question that I asked. She was very nebulous.  A dental hygienist is a great part of a dental office staff. For example, when a dentist can’t do a cleaning or teach the patient how to keep good oral hygiene, they can go to the dental hygienist because a dental hygienist is a great recourse to teach oral hygiene. In my opinion, a dental hygienist brings many positive things into someone’s life. One should appreciate a dental hygienist because just as a dentist, they keep you with a great smile. I find it interesting that not many people know what the occupation of a dental hygienist is.  Many people who I have told my major to are oblivious of that major. They tend to ask what it is. Speaking to the counselor gave me a brief understanding of the different classes I would have to take. She gave me advice on the classes I should take first. She helped me find out which classes were transferable and showed me how to find the classes that are transferable. She was really a great help because everything she told me was very clear and understandable.

 During my interview with dental hygienist and dental hygiene teacher at Cerritos College, Anne Nguyen I realized that dental hygiene is my goal. Dental hygiene is a goal I want to accomplish. Success for her was not making money, success for her was being happy with her career and the things she has achieved. Dr. Nguyen gave me a great understanding of what it is like to be a dental hygienist. The only negatives about this job were insurance benefits. There are many positive things about this career. It’s not only a good pay, but it has schedule flexibility and it is a great working environment. One thing that I admire from Dr. Nguyen is that even though she was working and had her daughter to take care of she was able to go back to school thanks to the schedule flexibility and received her masters in math. I want to be able to accomplish goals like she did and becoming a dental hygienist will help me accomplish many of my goals.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Me Being A Gold

        My true color is gold. I wish I was more of a blue or orange but I've taken this true color test many times and I'm still getting the same results. The next colors next me being gold are orange and blue with even scores. Being a gold, is about being organized, punctual and dependable. It's true that I believe that work comes first before play but it's so ironic that I'm turning this blog late due to some circumstances.
A stippling of a grotesque animal I made back in 2009.

         I'm an Art Major but I'm still having doubts if this major is the right one for me. I plan to change my major to something that's germane with computers. I had a conversation with Mr. Ken Gaines and I could see that he's not perfunctory regarding my situation. He could see my passion with art and he exhorted me to stick with it. I told him that I also like computers he opened my mind to wonderful ideas without letting go of my passion. He gave me some ideas that would convince me to pick what I want while not letting go of my passion. He printed out sheets of paper that shows and explains what that specific course is about. I feel excited as I see it and it is like a fire that was ignited inside me. I keep pushing away art in my life and now I understand the fact that Art is what makes me "me." This is hard at first when I think about it but I feel like I'm abandoning "someone" (not something) important in my life. I sometimes view things as persons because there are times that I don't feel lonely while I'm alone as long as I'm doing them, in this case - Art. Thanks to Mr. Gaines, he made me realize that I could choose something that uses art and computer at the same time. I want to have a job in the future where I could enjoy what I'm doing. I want to wake up every morning with excitement to do the tasks that needed to be done in my job. I could only find those things that I'm looking for in the field of Art but with a passion in it and an interest with technology, I could never go wrong choosing Graphic Arts as my major. I know that I'm going to enjoy this field because I know that this is what I want and I should never give this up because it's already a part of me. The fact that I miss doing artworks this semester means that this is something that completes me. Mr. Gaines inspires me. He vicariously eradicated these doubts that I have in me. Now I'm more determined to take this way without any uncertainties in me and even if I have no idea about the likelihood of getting a job in this field, I still have faith that there's success at the end of this path that I'm taking.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

My True Color

Image result for construction manager

My true color is orange. According to my results I am someone who is independent and likes taking risk at all time no matter what the situation is and a person who is stringent. There were many careers I would like to do; however, building contractors is one of the best career field  that got my attention. I know a little bit about construction because my dad works in that field and he is a masochist. Building contractors work on the out field and in door and build things such as houses, apartment buildings, and regular buildings. Building contractors hire there own people and set up their own prices and supervise the workers. For building contractors you have to work well with people and have good communication skills. The average pay is $9,230 and top pay $12,000 a month. The expecting  opening job for building contractors is 1.780. Building contractors have to learn many codes that apply to the houses and buildings that the states demands to have. Building contractors have to learn stuff such as blueprints, building codes, construction methods, construction estimating,and specification writing. The counselor name is Kenneth Gains. He helped telling me what classes to take next semester and he helped me get all my classes to be a full time student and I am going to see how it works with my part time job hopefully it is not rough. He told me there is no BA for building contractors but he suggested me to do construction management. He told me all the construction and all the general ed's classes to take. Although the classes that I would have to take wont be lucid it would all pay at the end. Counselor Kenneth also gave me some options if i wanted to transfer to a UC or a CSU or just to get my AS in construction technology ,but some of the universities and cal states he told me that have some good programs are Cal State Dominguez Hills and UC Irvine. Kenneth Gains is an amazing counselor. Kenneth is a out going person and motivated me to do what i wanted to do. What i like about him is that he is always happy and motivates students to do what they want and he helps them reach their goals. He also explains everything well and helps us out if we have a problem with something or if we have a question.      

Thursday, April 9, 2015

True Color and Career Research: Pediatrician



     My true color is blue. According to my results, I am someone that learns and understands complex principals, acting quickly and calmly in emergencies, communicative and compassionate and gain satisfaction from contributing to, and encouraging others, and being genuinely concerned for patient care. There were many varieties of occupations that matched my color but only 3 of them stood out, which was Acting, Medical Assistant and Pediatrician. Out of those 3, I only picked one and that career was pediatrician. A pediatrician is a medical doctor who manages the physical, behavioral, and mental health of children from birth until age 21. A pediatrician is trained to diagnose and treat a broad range of childhood illnesses from minor health problems to serious diseases. While doing research on my future career, I found out that the average salary for a pediatrician is $173,000-$175,000 a year. I have a long way to go in becoming a pediatrician. I need four years of college, four years of medical school and three years of general pediatric training in hospitals and other places (being an intern and resident). I picked pediatrician because I've always wanted to help people. I have seen many kids with health problems and I've seen the pain that they are in. Plus, I find the human body to be amazing and interesting. I am very adept at knowing how to deal with a situation or help someone and I know that being a pediatrician is the best career for me. The counselor who helped me was Kenneth Gaines. I asked him questions like, "There are so many careers that are interesting to me, and how do I know which one is the best for me?" He told me that I would just know what I want my career to be because it will be something that I'm very passionate about and I can feel it in my heart. There are many careers that I’m passionate about but I feel it in my heart that being a pediatrician is what I want to become. Kenneth made things very lucid, he showed me other classes that I can take and our conversations were very helpful. He is funny and a cool person to talk to. I would definitely recommend him to anyone that needs help. I did more research on my career and I saw some repugnant pictures of disease/bacteria that I would mostly likely come across during my lifetime. In the end it will be worth it because I know that I'm helping children that truly needs it.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

My True Color - Orange ; FBI Agent.

My true color is Orange. According to my results I am someone who is not afraid of taking risks, even in the scariest moments. I am very creative with everything I do. I tend to be very comfortable talking about a variety of topics, activities and environments with no problems. I also find hands on experiences more interesting than studying because I get more into and learn faster. Although I didn't see the occupation I actually want to major in, I saw an occupation that was fairly close to what I'd like to do. The occupation I chose is an FBI agent. The FBI is an intelligence-driven and a threat-focused national security organization with both intelligence and law enforcement responsibilities. The mission of an FBI agent is to protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats, to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States. I find it inquisitive how they find so much evidence on the crime scenes they work on. As dangerous as it is, they put their lives at risk to help the people living in our country. As I did my research I discovered that in order to become an FBI agent, I would have to major in Criminal Justice of Law Enforcement. To look into it more and discover what classes I would need to take, I went in and talked to a counselor named Jasmine. She was so nice, helpful, and lucid . She made sure that I understood exactly what I would have to do in order to become an FBI agent. I want to major in Human Services so I could become a Probation Officer to help criminals better themselves and change their lives to become better people and prove to the world that they are just like everyone else. As I was looking into the FBI I found it kind of interesting how they give sanction when others are disobeying the law. They want to keep the really bad criminals locked up and that would be something I would also like to do to keep my country safe.

True Color

I took the true color test and the results ended up telling me I was a green. So I read what it means to be a green and I’m not entirely surprise. It was a very euphoric moment in my life. I know your suppose to relate to the tests meaning but mines was pretty accurate. I guess I might as well tell you guys since none you know me personally. So what I got from the color green is that we green are the thinkers, the ones who apply logic to damn near everything. In a way that can make us difficult to work with. Lol my friends will tell you sometimes I’ll over think a joke totally missing the concept all because I’m too busy being literal I would be dissident to the cause. It low key would take the fun out of the whole thing. Arguments, forget about it I will talk my head off to win them. Greens need explanations and answers I guess we’re the ones in the movies that get killed for asking to many questions or being noisy, curiosity killed the cat. Greens have no problem living by their own rules and standards its either our way or the highway. We tend to value intelligence and integrity. There’s just something about sounding intelligent that I am drawn to. Integrity means the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. I’m a straight forward guy, I do what I want to do, and I can’t be talked out of my beliefs I venerate that code. Others see greens as reserved. No comment I have no clue what that means lol. It says greens are seen by others as a loner because of their independence. Smh I swear this is true lmao I see myself as a loner. On job applications when they ask do you prefer to work in “groups” or “as an individual”. I hit “as an individual” without even thinking about it. I guess the best part about being a green is that we are deep thinkers and we stay focus on our thoughts.
                        I met with Linda and she was a big help. I had only been to counselor a few times so I was still new to the way it works. She sat me down and we talked about my career choice, how was I going to get there and why that one. After she pointed out the classes I would need to take in order to reach my career. Then I told her “thank you for your time and have a nice day”.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

My True Color

            My true color test result was blue. The career that i felt euphoric about was a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA). When i researched CRNA and read more about it I saw that this career was infallible for me. I didn't just want to be a nurse, but something more that fitted me. Once i started researching this career i just loved it more and more. The requirements to become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) include a bachelors degree in  nursing. a Registered Nurse license with a minimum of one of care experience. Finally, you must complete the nurse anesthesia educational program and the national certification examination. Nurse anesthetists can expect to begin their careers with an average of $110,000 salary and can increase to about 200,000 or more with more experience. I met with Janice Pon-Ishikawa talking with one of the counselor helped me so much because i had no idea what classes to take, so she told me what classes will prepare me for my career. To become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist  you must very determined ,and adept. thanks to the My Life Project i had found a career that i,m interested in and i will work my hardest to become a CRNA.

True Color and Career Research

My true color is gold. According to the color gold I follow the rules regulations. It is easy and natural for me to respect authority. I may have a strong sense of right, and wrong and may feel useful. I also enjoy being a good citizen, and love to be helpful with anything or anybody. I am helpful when it comes to anything in need. I am also generally punctual and organized. Plus, following procedures and instructions seem to be a natural affinity for me. Organizing routines with clear directions and rules provides me with environments within which I grow. There were many interesting occupations that I had saw and were related to my personality. Even though I did not see the occupation I want to major in, I saw an occupation that interested me which was a librarian. A librarian helps people find information and do research for personal and professional use. They are very meticulous whether it is about finding a book, trying to research a certain topic online, or tutoring students with any help they need. They can either work in a public library, school library, or in medical libraries. I have been a doing a lot of research about librarians on what they do and the education they have. The counselor who helped me was very helpful and lucid about all the information he told me. He was very nice and was in no rush. He said a librarian was a very interesting career. He gave me a website and showed me how to log on to it about librarians. He also showed how to work the website me and also told me the classes librarians would have to take. To become a librarian, they would have to get a master’s degree in library science. Even though becoming a librarian is not germane to what I want to major in, it still seems like a very interesting career. I remember when I was younger, I would always go to the public library during the summer and rent a book or two and a librarian would always help me find a book that she thought would seem interesting to me. I have learned a lot doing a lot of research and the counselor helping me with what classes are needed to become a librarian. My next task is to find a school librarian and interview her or him.


My True Color

When I first did the true color test, I got the color green but I was really close to being a gold. The characteristics that green had were valuing intelligence, insight, integrity, and justice. Also being a green meant that you’re more likely to work the best when you’re seeking knowledge and understanding.  When I looked more in depth into the occupations that the color green had, I felt that they caught my attention more than the occupations from the gold. The five occupations that stood out to me the most were mechanical engineer, psychologist, special education teacher, aerospace engineer, and sports medicine specialist. I was inquisitive to know more about the five occupations which led me to choose special education teacher. I chose to do special education teacher because when I was in middle school I was involved in a program that interacted with students who had a disability. From what I remember, I had a great experience having a connection with the students and it made me think about how it would be like to be a special education teacher. From what I attained from researching the occupation, special education teachers work with physically and mentally handicapped students to teach basic academic and living skills. They try to meet the individual needs of students and proliferate their potential. They adapt elementary and secondary school and college techniques and methods of instruction. They work in schools, community colleges and colleges, hospitals, correctional facilities, and even students' homes. Teachers can work with students with severe disabilities until the students are 21 years old. Employment of special education teachers is projected to grow 6 percent from 2012 to 2022 which is slower than the average for all occupations. The entry level to become a special education teacher is a bachelor’s degree with a teaching credential in special education and also a state-issued license or certification that will sanction the individual to teach at public schools.
            The counselor who I met with was Tri Le who helped me look at the pathway to become a special education teacher and special education assistant. He provided a list of classes available at El Camino that will help fulfill the requirements. He also gave me information regarding elementary school teaching if I were to change my mind about teaching special education. I was given copies of the transfer requirements of a liberal arts major which I found very helpful. Not only did he give me information about classes of special education but also guided me into an area focusing on teaching.
            Who I interviewed was a special education teacher named Cindy Bardales who works at Crenshaw High School. What I mainly got from the interview was that a special education teacher requires a great amount of work either from inside or outside the classroom. It takes a lot of time and effort to help children with disabilities but the outcome of helping them improve is truly rewarding. What I found very interesting is that she believed that special education teachers should get paid more as she stated, “special education teachers manage individual student cases and caseloads and co-teach in the general education classroom and should therefore get compensated more than we do now”.