Monday, April 13, 2015

Me Being A Gold

        My true color is gold. I wish I was more of a blue or orange but I've taken this true color test many times and I'm still getting the same results. The next colors next me being gold are orange and blue with even scores. Being a gold, is about being organized, punctual and dependable. It's true that I believe that work comes first before play but it's so ironic that I'm turning this blog late due to some circumstances.
A stippling of a grotesque animal I made back in 2009.

         I'm an Art Major but I'm still having doubts if this major is the right one for me. I plan to change my major to something that's germane with computers. I had a conversation with Mr. Ken Gaines and I could see that he's not perfunctory regarding my situation. He could see my passion with art and he exhorted me to stick with it. I told him that I also like computers he opened my mind to wonderful ideas without letting go of my passion. He gave me some ideas that would convince me to pick what I want while not letting go of my passion. He printed out sheets of paper that shows and explains what that specific course is about. I feel excited as I see it and it is like a fire that was ignited inside me. I keep pushing away art in my life and now I understand the fact that Art is what makes me "me." This is hard at first when I think about it but I feel like I'm abandoning "someone" (not something) important in my life. I sometimes view things as persons because there are times that I don't feel lonely while I'm alone as long as I'm doing them, in this case - Art. Thanks to Mr. Gaines, he made me realize that I could choose something that uses art and computer at the same time. I want to have a job in the future where I could enjoy what I'm doing. I want to wake up every morning with excitement to do the tasks that needed to be done in my job. I could only find those things that I'm looking for in the field of Art but with a passion in it and an interest with technology, I could never go wrong choosing Graphic Arts as my major. I know that I'm going to enjoy this field because I know that this is what I want and I should never give this up because it's already a part of me. The fact that I miss doing artworks this semester means that this is something that completes me. Mr. Gaines inspires me. He vicariously eradicated these doubts that I have in me. Now I'm more determined to take this way without any uncertainties in me and even if I have no idea about the likelihood of getting a job in this field, I still have faith that there's success at the end of this path that I'm taking.

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